10 Healthy Foods That Help You Burn Fat - belly fat burning foods

 Sick of That Stubborn Bulge Around Your Midsection? Stock up on These 10 Belly Fat-Burning Foods

Do you tend to gain weight around your middle? Try out these seven delicious foods to slim down and get healthier today.

Losing abdominal fat, or belly fat is a common weight loss goal.

Fat has various functions in your body, including energy storage and hormone regulation. Having some body fat is normal.

Boosting your metabolic rate can help you lose body fat.

However, most “fat-burning” supplements on the market are either unsafe, ineffective or both.

Fortunately, several natural foods and beverages have been shown to increase your metabolism and promote fat loss.

Here are 10 healthy foods that help you burn fat.

belly fat-burning foods

1- Swap your beef for salmon

It’s a common mistake to try to lose your fat by cutting fats completely out of your diet. It’s not just ineffective—it’s unhealthy. 

2- Apples

Apples are one of the highest-fiber fruits, packing 4.5 grams of fiber (17% of the daily value) in one medium apple. 

3- Consider a low-carb diet

Following a very low-carb or ketogenic diet can be an effective way to lose fat. However, these diets come with some potential risks, so they are not appropriate for everyone.

4- Exercise regularly

Exercise is among the best things you can do to increase your chances of living a long, healthy life and avoiding disease.

Helping to reduce abdominal fat is among the amazing health benefits of exercise.

5- Fatty Fish

Fatty fish is delicious and incredibly good for you.

Salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel, and other oily fish contain omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to reduce inflammation and decrease heart disease risk

6- Yogurt

A study showed that obese adults who ate three servings of fat-free yogurt a day (as well as being on a reduced-calorie diet) lost significantly more fat and weight than those who were also on a decreased-calorie diet but didn’t have yogurt. 

7- Edamame

High in fiber and nutrients, edamame acts as a great side to any meal because it helps you feel full for a long time. It’s also a remarkably low-calorie food.

belly fat burning foods

8- Flaxseed

Flaxseeds are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and the antioxidant lignan. 

Diets rich in lignans can help to reduce inflammation and fight against metabolic syndrome, which is a group of conditions that can increase the risk for chronic diseases such as high cholesterol,

9- Cardamom 

Nicknamed the “Queen of Spices” (black pepper is the “King”) because it was a favorite of the elite and because its flavor is almost feminine compared to other spices – floral, lemony, with a hint of mint, Dr. Jampolis explains. That might be why it was once considered an aphrodisiac. 

10 The bottom line

Visceral fat surrounds the organs in your belly. Having too much of it is linked to an increased risk of certain health conditions.

Most people can reduce fat in the abdomen by taking on key lifestyle changes, such as eating a healthy diet packed with lean protein, vegetables and fruit, and legumes, and exercising regularly.


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