|I'm going to make you an offer you can't refuse. If reputation means anything to you.
|I am a programmer who likes to dig into other people's dirty laundry and I hack into cell phones, laptops, computers,
|tablets of users like you in order to extract from them "interesting" photos, videos, recordings of conversations or correspondence.
|I infected your device with a virus and have been watching you for over 2 months now.
|During these months, I have accumulated a lot of interesting information about you.
|Not only do I have access to your phone book, correspondence, audio, but I also have information about the sites you visit.
|Can you guess what I'm talking about?
|I collect a selection of photos and videos, audio recordings, correspondence from the devices of users like you with the help of viruses and copy them to my own server.
|I've got some bad news for you. I can leak all of this online for general access, ...